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The Books

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

This is my first book (2001). For once it tells the truth about what really happened between The Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs. All the stories you have heard so far about the wolf have all been told by those three little porkers and their horrible little friends. For the first time ever, this book tells in the wolf’s own sad and weary words how the pigs told terrible lies about him and played cruel and nasty tricks on him to get him into such trouble. Read on and see the truth revealed before your very own eyes.

(ISBN: 1-901737-35-7) SOLD OUT

Read the First Chapter! READ


THE UN-TOLD STORY The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf

This is my second book (2002). It tells what happens when The Big Bad Wolf is arrested and brought to court by two burley policepigs on trumped up charges. Everybody who is anybody in Fairy Tale Land turns up in court to witness the trial of the century and everybody is still talking about it. There was standing room only in court. Tickets were on sale at all the usual outlets. There are loads of arguments and unreliable witnesses, with a surprise ending.

(ISBN: 1-901737-40-3) SOLD OUT

Read the First Chapter! READ


THE UN-TOLD STORY Return of the Big Bad Wolf

This is my third book (2004). After what happened in court the last time, was it any wonder I did a runner? I took off as fast as my little legs would carry me. But I had to go back and face the music. Only for the Riddle of the Blackbird and what happened to the Maid in the Garden when she was hanging out the clothes and what she saw, my goose was well and truly cooked. This is the end of the wolf saga. Read on and learn what eventually happened to our hero The Big Good Wolf.

(ISBN: 1-901737-48-9) SOLD OUT

Read the First Chapter! READ


Goldilocks The Babysitter from Hell

This is my fourth book (2006). So you think you know the story of Goldilocks? Oh, no you don’t! Not by a long shot! She wasn’t the kind, sweet little Britney Spears look-a-like everybody thought she was. This included the unsuspecting Bear family who had the misfortune to hire her as their live-in babysitter for their little bundle of joy Baby Bear. Read all about it, how she turned out to be a right little biddy and how she nearly drove poor bumbling ole Papa Bear over the edge with her mischief. Hear about it, not just the porridge and the chairs and the beds, but the rows with the neighbours, the loud parties and whatever happened to Papa Bear’s lemonade and favourite chocolate buns.

(ISBN: 1-901737-57-8) AVAILABLE

Read the First Chapter! READ                                              


The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf

This is my fifth book (2012). It is the new single volume edition of my original Wolf Trilogy about the unfortunate misunderstandings surrounding the events leading up to and after the difficulties which occurred between The Three Little Pigs & The Big Bad/Good Wolf. It is published by Mercier Press. The original three books in the trilogy were published by The Children’s Press. (See below for details.)

(ISBN: 978-1-85635-682-4) AVAILABLE

Want to see the first few pages of this book as reviewed by INTOUCH magazine?

Single Volume Edition

Book 1 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf Read

Book 2 THE UN-TOLD STORY The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf Read

Book 3 THE UN-TOLD STORY Return of the Big Bad Wolf Read

Author’s Note:

My three books about The Three Little Pigs & The Big Bad Wolf in their original format, which were published by The Children’s Press are all sold out. The distributors no longer have any copies left. These books are now only available to buy in the new single volume edition by Mercier Press (2012).

You will find copies of the original books available in Public Lending Libraries all around the country.

Goldilocks The Babysitter from Hell is still available in bookshops and libraries. If you have any trouble in getting copies of it you can always contact me by email. I still have some signed copies in stock here for schools.

All my children’s books are for 5 to 9 year olds and are for assisted and independent reading. They are all stories I told my own children when they were small.


© 2015 Liam Farrell